11 Great Gift Ideas for Personal Growth and Development

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There’s a question that plagues many of us at birthdays and holidays: “What do I get the person who has everything?” Well, for those of you who know someone like me who’s into personal growth, personal development, and self-discovery, there’s a secret: We’re in a state of constant change and expansion, so we never have everything! There’s always something new to learn and new worlds to explore inside.

And keep this in mind: It’s really about the thought, not the cost, so the gifts don’t have to be expensive (or from a store!). Also remember – if you’re into personal growth and development, or interested in self-discovery, many of these gifts can be great for you, too!

Let’s take a look at 11 great gift ideas for the personal growth and personal development fan in your life.

1. Inspiration and insight. There’s a lot to learn about ourselves, and folks on the path of personal growth and personal development are always looking for new ways to be inspired and to make new connections in their life.

  • Get a journal so they can record their dreams or insights
  • Find a mug with an inspirational saying to get their day started right
  • Choose a desk calendar filled with inspirational sayings that they can focus on through the day
  • Give a pack of sticky notes and a pen to write out what inspires them, and encourage them to stick them to their mirror or work space

2. An inspiring book. A great thing about self-discovery is so many people have written about their journey and insights. Share that. Here are some ideas.

  • Books that help transform a day through ancient wisdom or answer the “big” questions about life and our purpose (I wrote two multi-award-winning books that cover these topics)
  • A book about someone who shows another way to live, such as from a selfless or spiritual perspective (one of my favorites is Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda)
  • Books about rewiring the brain or tapping our own potential to heal can be very inspiring (such as books by Dr. Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden, or Dr. Bruce Lipton)
  • Share a book that has meaning in your life, and personally inscribe it with what it means to you

3. Mindfulness and meditation. Mindfulness and meditation have many benefits – they can help with anxiety, stress reduction, and increase happiness. Plus, being in the moment is just a good way to approach the day.

  • Send a beaded mala, pocket round, fidget item, or other meditation tool to help them elevate their practice
  • Send a card (or email) with a link to the free Palouse Mindfulness course to encourage some mindful training
  • Gift an online course in the art of mindful meditation
  • Get back to books, and give one like The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
  • Download a guided meditation and give it as a way to explore inner worlds

4. A powerful practice. A good way to encourage growth is to start a discipline that focuses the mind, body, and/or spirit. Find out if your intended recipient has any interests in certain areas and foster that.

  • Consider a gift certificate to a local yoga studio or tai chi class
  • If in-person outings aren’t possible, consider buying them a DVD or online class in an area of interest
  • If they’re looking to start a healthy habit, consider a gift certificate to a store so they can purchase workout clothes, shoes, food, or supplements
  • Give the gift of company – offer to join them at a class or on their new journey

5. A good conversation. Personal growth and development can be a solitary pursuit, but sometimes, it helps to talk it out. Here are some ideas.

  • Purchase them a few sessions with a coach to talk through next steps on the growth path
  • Buy them dinner (or cook and invite them over) and ask about their journey; then, just listen
  • If getting together isn’t an option, call and ask about what they’re working on; and, again, listen

6. Alone time and relaxation. If someone is practicing mindfulness or meditation, or just wants some time to collect their thoughts and ponder their growth or next steps, alone time is key.

  • Provide a few hours of babysitting so they can have an outing or relax and recharge
  • Offer your driving services and head to the beach or the woods for some fresh air and sunshine
  • Get them a gift certificate to a sensory deprivation tank experience (if they’re healthy enough for it and really want it!)
  • Consider a gift certificate for a massage

7. Joy. Laughter relieves tension and stress and boosts the immune system. And, it’s just fun! There’s even something called laughter yoga!

  • Get them a funny movie that can help with stress release
  • Send a coloring book and crayons as a mindful diversion
  • Get them a board or card game you know they love, or consider a puzzle with a beautiful scene they can get lost in

8. Gratitude. Being grateful for what we have is a great way to grow. Consider gifts that increase thankfulness and appreciation of this journey of life.

  • Bring the journaling idea here and get them a gratitude journal
  • Buy a blank card and write in it all the reasons you’re thankful they’re in your life

9. Connection. Many folks in the growth space feel certain connections to creativity, community, animals, and more. Here are some ideas.

  • For an animal lover, consider a zoo membership
  • For people who express themselves through creativity, consider a membership or day at a local museum
  • Give a gift certificate to a crafting store for someone who likes to use their personal time creating
  • Bring paper, colored pencils, and coffee to the park, and sit and draw with them

10. Whatever will help them grow most. Sometimes we give what we’d like to have. Try asking the person what would help their journey…at whatever stage they’re at…then give them exactly what they need.

11. Nothing. Some people aren’t into gifts (I’m not a big gift person). Occasionally, this will trigger confusion and frustration in the giving-minded person, but remember: This can be an opportunity for the would-be giver to grow and understand that it’s the perspective of the recipient that matters when it comes to gifts. If their preference is no gift, that should be respected. If we resist that, it’s time to ask ourselves why we’re resisting.

Personal growth, personal development, and self-discovery are gifts we give ourselves, because we’re constantly unwrapping who we are. When it comes time to give gifts to folks on this path, there’s lots to choose from, and many ways to support the journey.

If you’re looking to start or reinvigorate your journey of spiritual or personal growth and development, let’s connect for a free 15-minute coaching consultation. Or cozy up with a book that can take you to the heart of ancient wisdom, mindfulness, forgiveness, love, and more. You can also check out my FREE Mindfulness Quickstart Guide, and start your practice right now!