Life Gets Hectic, but Wisdom Is…Simple

I haven’t been here in a while.

Sorry about that. It’s not that I didn’t want to be, it’s just that…well…

I have some work things going on and some other stuff percolating and bubbling. I love blogging here at Nobody’s View so much, but sometimes, life gets in the way of the things we have planned. Hasn’t someone said that already? A hundred times? Probably. But that’s only because it’s true.

But while I’ve been busy with other things, it has not been lost on me that no matter how busy we get, one thing is clear: the wisdom by which we live our lives doesn’t change all that much.

Don’t believe me?

Well, in the last few weeks, I’ve had chances to be nice to strangers and fallen short. I should always strive to be civil and nice. I’ve had chances to pass on good information that might have helped someone, but I failed in that. It wasn’t anything life-threatening, of course–just some small tidbits of wisdom that coulda helped out. I had chances to meditate, but instead, filled that time with distractions. I should be more mindful of mindfulness. I had a chance to let something roll, like water downhill, but instead, I chose a path of more resistance, creating an uphill climb.

I took the simple and complicated it.

You see, it’s actually the in-between times where we get the tests of what we truly know. It’s not when we are focused like a laser on putting wisdom into action where we face the greatest issues, but instead, when we are living in the spaces between that focus.

That’s where the work is.

We have projects. We have dreams. We have goals. But we also have time to live in between those big dots on the map of life. Don’t be confused. Don’t get lost along the way. Remember, the simple nuggets of wisdom that you live by are STILL SIMPLE, even when life gets complicated.

I wasn’t here blogging. I wasn’t working on my books. I wasn’t in my classes. I was just out there, on the way. And, my life could have been so much better if I’d only lived by the simple rules that have been with me for so long. The rules that are in my pocket when I’m being passionate.

Be nice. Share. Meditate. Take only necessary action.

You see, the great lessons of spirituality and philosophy don’t really change. It’s our life that changes around them. So, even when we are out there in the complicated world, we can still live simply. We can live in simple truth.

And then, when we finally get back to the things we truly love, we find that we haven’t really been too far away at all.