Three Ways to Move and Meditate…Inspired by Mobile Meditation!

Mobile meditation. That’s right. I read an interesting article the other day about this mobile meditation thing. It happens in trucks. On roads. People meditate in mobile meditation studios.

This is a thing. A real thing.

And I think it’s great. In fact, I was recently quoted in an article on movement and meditation. (Read it here!)

Look, folks. It doesn’t really matter where we get our mindfulness kick on. All that matters is that we take advantage of every moment we can to focus. If that happens in a food-truck-style meditation studio at lunchtime, I say GO FOR IT!

Have you ever tried mobile meditation? Do you engage in moving meditation? If so, what was it like? If you’ve ever been in one of these mobile thingies, please leave a comment and let us know how it was. I have to know!

Here are three ways to move and meditate (without the wheels):

  1. Walk and meditate. Head into your neighborhood and, with each step, say a mantra such as “peace, peace, peace” or “now, now now.” Go in peace. Do it now.
  2. Watch your breath. This is an oldie and a goodie. When you breathe, your chest moves. Follow that movement as you breathe. Period.
  3. When you see steps, take them. As you walk the steps, say a mantra (remember #1 above?). But this time, make it a sentence such as, “I am a peaceful person right this minute…minute.” I added the second “minute” because there was an extra step.

Here’s to movement…and meditation!

1 thought on “Three Ways to Move and Meditate…Inspired by Mobile Meditation!”

  1. Pingback: 5 Ways to Find Balance When You Feel Out of the Flow

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